Sunday, July 06, 2008

Pope Needs to Pray for the Diocese of Naval - With Erroring Bishop

Continue serving as shepherds, Pope tells RP bishops
MANILA, July 5, 2008— Pope Benedict XVI is praying for and praised the nation’s bishops as he urged them to continue serving as the shepherd of their flocks, Vatican Secretary of State Tarcio Bertone said.

Bertone said the Pope urged the Filipino prelates to continue acting their role as the chief catechists of their respective pastoral jurisdictions.

This means, he said, that bishops must be willing always and everywhere to stand up and teach those in need of instruction “to have their faith confirmed and purified.”

“The Holy Father prays that you will continue to nourish the mind, spiritual attitudes and moral behavior of your people with the truth of the Gospel while always remembering that the faithful need the word of their bishop,” said Bertone.

The Pope’s message was read this morning by CBCP President Archbishop Angel Lagdameo at the opening of two-day Plenary Assembly, CBCP’s 97th which is being held at the Pope Pius XII Catholic Center in Manila .

Cardinal Bertone said the Pope also assured his “apostolic blessing” to the CBCP as he commend their works for the Catholic Church.

CBCP secretary general Msgr. Juanito Figura said around 87 bishops—82 active and 5 retired members—were present at the regular plenary meeting as of Saturday morning.

The CBCP has 99 active and 32 honorary members.

The event was started with a Eucharistic celebration led by Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams, Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines.

Aside from the reports which will be rendered by half of the 33 CBCP commissions, socio-political and economic issues will also be discussed by the prelates at their bi-annual meeting.

The Plenary Assembly is CBCP’s highest decision-making body. Composed of active and retired bishops, the Plenary Assembly meets in regular session twice a year, in January and in July. (Roy Lagarde

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Two Murdered - In the Diocese of Naval

The Diocese of Naval (Biliran and parts of Leyte) are sounding like streets in Iraq. with the attack of Biliran solon's dad attacked, 2 bodyguards killed of Biliran Congressman Glen A. Chong. What is going on?

It is massive moral decay!

Charlie Chong was always helpful and kind to MBPH there in Naval. And we send our prayers to the families of the people who where killed.

It seems this moral decay - goes way beyond the politics of the Province. We are still reminded of the day in May 1997 when Father Jessie Sentina, when this priest of the Diocese of Naval wanted to pay P5,000 to have Michael Encina killed. (I do have sworn sworn statement to back up this charge). When a priest from the Diocese will pay to have a person murdered, what would the rest of the flock of Filomeno G. Bactol do? You see the results of this moral decay. (where was this in a so called Dean investigation?? )

Yes, they will have a beautiful funeral Mass - the Bishop I'm sure will say the Mass. And people from all over will come to share the sadness of this event. This Bishop and clergy of the Diocese of Naval must share responsibility for the moral decay.

Please Lord Jesus, send a real Shepard and remove this wolf. Amen

Thursday, May 08, 2008

A Good Bishop is Needed....

A good Bishop is Needed for the Diocese of Naval - one like the following:

St. Peter of Tarentaise

(c. 1102-1174)

There are two men named St. Peter of Tarentaise who lived one century apart. The man we honor today is the younger Peter, born in France in the early part of the 12th century. (The other man with the same name became Pope Innocent the Fifth.)
The Peter we’re focusing on became a Cistercian monk and eventually served as abbot. In 1142 he was named archbishop of Tarentaise, replacing a bishop who had been deposed because of corruption. Peter tackled his new assignment with vigor. He brought reform into his diocese, replaced lax clergy and reached out to the poor. He visited all parts of his mountainous diocese on a regular basis.

After about a decade as bishop Peter “disappeared” for a year and lived quietly as a lay brother at an abbey in Switzerland. When he was “found out,” the reluctant bishop was persuaded to return to his post. He again focused many of his energies on the poor.

Peter died in 1175 on his way home from an unsuccessful papal assignment to reconcile the kings of France and England.

Check out these daily saint resources in print:
Saint of the Day
Day by Day With Followers of Francis and Clare

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

No word from Bactol!

Easter Greetings to our readers of the MBPH Blogs! May the Risen Christ grow in your hearts….

Sorry for not writing, all of us have been so very busy. There was a MBPH Brother meeting in Seattle in the month of March. Interesting conversations!

There has been so much travel - so little time, with so much to do…

We are still waiting for Bishop Bactol to do a formal denial of the charges we have placed. In Brother Steve’s sworn statement.

Canon Law states:

Can. 1368 A person who commits perjury while asserting or promising something before ecclesiastical authority is to be punished with a just penalty. Can. 1369 A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instruments of social communication utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.

And again it says: THE CRIME OF FALSEHOOD (Cann. 1390 - 1391)

Can. 1390 §1. A person who falsely denounces before an ecclesiastical superior a confessor for the delict mentioned in Can. 1387 incurs a latae sententiae interdict and, if he is a cleric, also a suspension.
§2. A person who offers an ecclesiastical superior any other calumnious denunciation of a delict or who otherwise injures the good reputation of another can be punished with a just penalty, not excluding a censure.
§3. A calumniator can also be forced to make suitable reparation.
Can. 1391 The following can be punished with a just penalty according to the gravity of the delict:
1/ a person who produces a false public ecclesiastical document, who changes, destroys, or conceals an authentic one, or who uses a false or altered one;
2/ a person who uses another false or altered document in an ecclesiastical matter;
3/ a person who asserts a falsehood in a public ecclesiastical document.

But according to ABS-CBN, “Bactol will not go any further and charge Brother Steve” with offenses against the Church. The reason to us is easy: Bactol would have to defend himself before Church authorities. As Brother Steve said “ I have and will continue to stand behind my sworn statement which was sworn and witnessed under penalty of Church Law before a diocesan bishop".

We challenge Most Rev. Filomeno G. Bactol, Bishop of Naval to charge Brother Steve with offenses against Church Law or resign as Bishop of the Diocese of Naval.

Reminder of Canon Law:

Can. 401 §2 A diocesan bishop who has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause is earnestly requested to present his resignation from office.